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Milo’s Lucky Sneeze

Milos Lucky Sneeze Book

Paperback £9.65

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Who would have thought that a normal sneeze would have saved Milo the mouse’s life? It started as just an ordinary day but a strange smell made Milo want to investigate. His adventure was something he’d never forget and nor will you. This is the very first book of Milo’s adventures. Mike Payne, the creator and original artist of the blue nosed bear “Tatty Teddy” has created yet another winning character and his charming, cute illustrations will have you desperately wanting to read Milo’s next adventure.


Three reviews from LoveReading 4 Kids

Milo’s Lucky Sneeze by Mike Payne. Milo is a mouse who wakes one morning and can smell something! he sniffs and sniffs until he finds the source of the smell and is delighted when it’s cheese. There’s a problem though and just when it looks like he is about to make a terrible mistake, a lucky sneeze saves the day! This book is a delight from start to finish. There are lovely illustrations to accompany the story and along each illustration is a ‘sniff, sniff’ that children reading it themselves or reading along with an adult would enjoy joining in with. The story is simple and enjoyable and should occupy a place in every child’s bookcase and every key stage 1 class book corner. I will be buying this book for sure.

When Milo the mouse wakes up and sniffs the delicious smell of cheese, he sets out on a quest to locate it for his tea. Although the cheese turns out to be on a mouse trap, Milo’s sudden sneeze results in him dislodging the trap which enables him to take the tasty cheese back home to share with his wife for breakfast. This simple tale for young children is narrated in rhyme format with delightfully appealing illustrations; I especially enjoyed the expressions on Milo’s face as he pursues his adventure. The mazes at the end of the book are a fun addition. It is a quite charming story and I envisage that the author will create further tales of Milo.

‘Milo’s Lucky Sneeze!’ is the first book by acclaimed illustrator Mike Payne, in which he has also written the text. The main character, Milo the mouse, will be the subject of further adventures in the future too. I think the author is most definitely onto another winner here and children from 3 to 100 will love it. The story is written in verse and romps along in a jolly and robust way. The pictures are colourful and charmingly detailed, in the artist’s inimitable style. The reader will be rooting for Milo to find the source of the irresistible smell of his favourite food, cheese, and biting their nails when it turns out to be in a trap. The relief when he has a lucky escape is immense and the happy ending endearing. I think young readers and adults reading to their younger children will enjoy this book no end, find it upbeat and uplifting, just what we all need right now, and look forward eagerly to Milo’s next exploits.